February 10, 2022
The rights of both spouses are equal. If you live with your spouse or live apart, you have the same legal rights. All property owned by the couple belongs to each spouse, and each spouse has the right to use or dispose of it. A joint bank account or credit card can be used by either person. You can use […]
February 10, 2022
A court will ask both parents several questions during a child custody battle in order to determine what is best for the child or children involved. First and foremost, the judge is concerned with the child’s best interests. You can expect the following questions: – Child’s Needs Courts need accurate data and information about a child’s needs. Parents should prepare […]
February 10, 2022
In Minnesota, the parties or the court must decide custody, parenting time, and child support during a dissolution proceeding involving minor children. In Minnesota, there are two types of custody: legal custody and physical custody. Minnesota courts determine custody by applying the “best interest factors” as defined by Minnesota Statutes, section 518.17. Every state has its own definitions of custody […]
February 10, 2022
Either spouse may ask for alimony during or after a divorce or legal separation. According to Minnesota law, a court may order one spouse to pay alimony if the spouse seeking alimony: Lacks sufficient property to maintain a reasonable standard of living during marriage, or Does not have the means to support himself or herself. Courts may ask one or […]
December 21, 2019
When two people get married, sharing their financial assets (properties, bank accounts, debts, and so forth) is an integral part of the arrangement. If they then get divorced, those assets are divided up between them — either an even half-and-half or an “equitable” split, depending on the applicable state laws covering marital property. Couples can change the way property is […]